Your personal partners

It is not always possible to avoid disputes, and rights can sometimes be asserted only through litigation. In such conflicts, we evaluate the chances and risks of your success in litigation and help you develop the best resolution of the dispute possible and execute this in practice. This may mean out-of-court settlement or even filing the case with the courts or the regulatory authorities.


Seraina Denoth

Seraina Denoth

Dr. iur. Seraina Denoth is specialised in the area of competition and antitrust law. However, she also provides companies and private individuals with advice on various issues in contract and corporate law. She acquired her expertise working for many years as a lawyer at two well-known corporate law firms in Zurich. Seraina Denoth also teaches commercial law at Zurich University of Applied Science (ZHAW) and she is a part-time commercial judge at the Commercial Court of Zurich.


Legal Partners Zurich
Dr. iur. Seraina Denoth, LL.M.
Freigutstrasse 40
8001 Zürich
Phone +41 44 500 90 45

+ Areas of Expertise

Antitrust law
Unfair competition law
Contract law
Labour law
Corporate law
Procedural law

+ Languages

German / English

+ Memberships

Registered lawyer in the Canton of Zurich

Member of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations (ZAV/SAV)

Member of the competition law and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) sections

+ Publications

«Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Eine Rechtfertigung für Kartellabsprachen, ein Rechtsvergleich EU-Schweiz» Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht, 2016/2017 (gemeinsam mit Prof. Patrick L. Krauskopf und Philippe Oechslin)

«Kartellrechtliches Erfassen von Wettbewerbswirkungen grosser Datenbestände (Big Data)» sic! Zeitschrift für Immaterialgüter-, Informations- und Wettbewerbsrecht, 10/2016 (gemeinsam mit Dr. iur. Oliver Kaufmann)

«Hotelbuchungsplattformen - eine Beurteilung nach dem Kartellrecht der EU und der Schweiz» Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht. 2015/2016 (gemeinsam mit Prof. Patrick L. Krauskopf und Stefanie Schlaginhaufen)

«Relative Marktmacht - Rechtslage und Praxis: Europäische Union und D-A-CH-Staaten» Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht, 2014/2015 (gemeinsam mit Prof. Patrick L. Krauskopf und Ainhoa Rossell)

«Kronzeugenregelung und Schadenersatzklagen im Kartellrecht,ein Vergleich zwischen der Schweiz, der EU und den USA» Dissertation Zürich 2012

«Mediation im Verwaltungsverfahren, insbesondere in kartellrechtlichen Verfahren» Jusletter vom 31. März 2008


Dissertation in competition law (Dr. iur.)
Master’s program (LL.M.) at Columbia University, New York
Mediator training at University of St. Gallen (IRP-HSG)
Admission to the bar of the Canton of Zurich
Degree in law from the University of Fribourg (lic. iur.)


Partner at Legal Partners Zurich
Commercial judge at the Commercial Court of Zurich (part-time)
Partner at Fischer Rechtsanwälte, Zurich 
Commercial law professor at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
Lawyer at CMS von Erlach Poncet Ltd., Zurich
Lawyer at Homburger AG, Zurich
Legal assistant at the Secretariat of the Competition Commission (WEKO)


Martina Wiegers

Ms Martina Wiegers (M.A. HSG) offers her clients legal advice and representation in the areas of family law, inheritance law, labour law, general contract law and criminal law. She advises both private individuals and companies. During her studies at the University of St. Gallen, she not only acquired knowledge of the basic principles of the legal system but also gained expertise in economics. Due to her work for the courts, Martina Wiegers is also familiar with the perspective of both the courts and lawyers and knows what matters in proceedings.


Legal Partners Zurich
M.A. HSG Martina Wiegers
Freigutstrasse 40
8001 Zürich
Phone +41 44 500 90 45

+ Areas of Expertise

Family law
Criminal law

+ Languages

German / English

+ Memberships

Registered lawyer in the Canton of Zurich

Member of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations (ZAV/SAV)

Member of the family law, inheritance law and civil procedural law sections of the Zurich Bar Association

Standby criminal defence attorney

+ Publications


Certified specialist SBA family law
Mediator SAV
Admission to the bar of the Canton of Aargau
Degree in law and economics from the University of St. Gallen (HSG)


Partner at Legal Partners Zurich
Partner at Fischer Rechtsanwälte, Zurich
Lawyer at Fischer Rechtsanwälte, Zurich
Auditor at Baden District Court, Aargau
Intern at Federal Prosecutor's Office in Bern

Flurina Hitz

Flurina Hitz

Dr. iur. Flurina Hitz advises and represents private clients and companies in the fields of corporate law, family law, inheritance and property law, tenancy law, labour and general contract law, debt collection and bankruptcy law as well as criminal law. Furthermore Dr. Hitz is specialized in the field of real estate law, with a particular focus on public and private construction law. Flurina Hitz acquired her in-depth expertise during her many years of scientific work at the Chair of Private Law of Prof. Ruth Arnet with a focus on property law and while working as a court clerk and chairwoman of the Conciliation Authority in tenancy and lease matters.


Legal Partners Zurich
Dr. iur. Flurina Hitz
Freigutstrasse 40
8001 Zürich
Phone +41 44 500 90 45

+ Areas of Expertise

Inheritance law
Family law
Tenancy law
Real estate law
Public and private construction law
Labour law
General contract law
Company law
Debt recovery and bankruptcy law
Civil procedure law
Criminal law

+ Languages

German / English / French

+ Memberships

Registered in the Register of Lawyers of the Canton of Zurich

Member of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations (ZAV/SAV)

Standby criminal defence attorney

+ Publications

«Die Vormerkung vertraglicher Bestimmungen im Sinne von Art. 779b Abs. 2 ZGB beim selbstständigen und dauernden Baurecht vor dem Hintergrund der Trennung von dinglichen und obligatorischen Rechten», ZBGR 05/2018, S. 269 ff.

«Das Baurecht als selbstständiges und dauerndes Recht: Konstruktion aus dinglichen und obligatorischen Rechtspositionen», Diss., Zürich 2017

Kommentierung der Art. 655–666b und Art. 713–729 ZGB, in: Amstutz Marc et al. (Hrsg.), Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht, Sachenrecht, 3. Aufl., Zürich 2016

+ Lectures

Verteidigung in Jugendstrafverfahren

Praxisinput im Rahmen der Mastervorlesung Jugendstrafrecht von Prof. Dr. Gian Ege an der Universität Zürich, 11. November 2022

Grundlagen und Abgrenzungen im Privatrecht

Gastvorlesung im Rahmen des CAS Innere Sicherheit an der ZHAW (Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften), 11. März 2022

Verteidigung in Jugendstrafverfahren

Praxisinput im Rahmen der Mastervorlesung Jugendstrafrecht von Dr. Gian Ege und Prof. Dr. Daniel Jositsch an der Universität Zürich, 26. November 2021

Gewährleistungsklauseln in Gründstückkaufverträgen: Fallstricke und Formulierungen aus der Praxis

Referat vom 21. November 2019 anlässlich der 99. Generalversammlung des Vereins der Grundbuchverwalter und Konkursbeamten des Kantons Luzern und der Innerschweiz


Mediator SAV
Admitted to the Bar of the Canton of Zurich
Dissertation on the building rights servitude (Doctor of Law) 
Law studies at the University of Zurich (Master of Law)


Partner at Legal Partners Zurich
Guest lecturer at the University since 2021
Chairwoman of the Conciliation Authority in tenancy and lease matters at the District Court Dietikon
Court clerk at the District Court Dietikon
Research assistant at the Chair of Private Law with a focus on property law of Prof. Dr. iur. Ruth Arnet, University of Zurich

Roland Graf.jpg

Roland Graf

Roland Graf (MLaw) advises and represents his clients on the basis of his professional experience as a court clerk in two courts, mainly in the fields of family and inheritance law as well as employment and criminal law. After completing his master's degree in Zurich, he successfully acquired expertise in the field of "law of the European Union" with a second master's degree in Strasbourg. During his previous work as a court clerk at the District Court of Baden (among others, the District Court of Family Court/KESB), he was also able to deepen his knowledge of child and adult protection law as well as maintenance law.


Legal Partners Zurich
MLaw Roland Graf
Freigutstrasse 40
8001 Zürich
Phone +41 44 500 90 45

+ Areas of Expertise

Family law
Inheritance law
General contract law
Debt recovery and bankruptcy law
Civil procedure law
Criminal law

+ Languages

German / English / French

+ Memberships

Registered in the Register of Lawyers of the Canton of Zurich

Member of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations (ZAV/SAV)

Standby criminal defence attorney

+ Publications


Mediator SAV
Admitted to the bar of the Canton of Aargau
Master's degree in Strasbourg (Master 2)
Studied law at the University of Zurich (Master of Law)


Partner at Legal Partners Zurich
Court clerk at the District Court of Baden and Zurzach
Substitute at a law firm
Trainee at the child protection organisation Themis in Strasbourg


Esther Dubach

Esther Dubach (MLaw) is passionately committed to her clients because, not least as a mother of two small children, she knows what it means to take on responsability. During her many years working in court, she has gained broad experience and worked on cases in all areas of civil and criminal law. She is well versed in procedural law and if necessary, is not afraid to take disputes to court. Her legal practice also focuses on, inter alia, family and criminal law. As a former chairperson of a conciliation authority for tenant and lease matters, she also has a deep knowledge of tenancy law.


Legal Partners Zurich
Mlaw Esther Dubach
Freigutstrasse 40
8001 Zürich
Phone +41 44 500 90 45

+ Areas of Expertise

Criminal law
Family law
Civil procedure law

+ Languages

German / English / French

+ Memberships

Registered in the Register of Lawyers of the Canton of Zurich

Member of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations (ZAV/SAV)

Standby criminal defence attorney

+ Publications


Admitted to the Bar of the Canton of Zurich
Law studies at the University of Lucerne (Master of Law)


Partner at Legal Partners Zurich
Substitute judge at the District Court Dietikon
chairwoman of the Conciliation Authority in tenancy and lease matters at the District Court Dietikon
Court clerk at the District Court Dietikon

Stefano Rossi-11.jpg

Stefano Rossi

Mr. Stefano Rossi, MLaw, is an accomplished attorney with extensive knowledge in criminal and civil law due to continuous years of experience in the courtroom. Serving as a substitute judge and military prosecutor, he is on top of all matters pertaining to the justice system and can ably and effectively defend you in court and to the authorities. With his empathetic manner and his passion for the law, he counsels and guides you (in a spirit of partnership) efficiently and pragmatically throughout your legal proceedings. He is your litigator and advisor focusing on criminal law, contract law (i.a. tenancy and labour law) and administrative law (in particular public labour law as well as school and education law).


Legal Partners Zurich
MLaw Stefano Rossi
Freigutstrasse 40
8001 Zürich
Phone +41 44 500 90 45

+ Areas of Expertise

Criminal law
Civil and Public Labour law
Administrative law
Tenancy and Real Estate law
Contract law

+ Languages

German / English / French

+ Memberships

Registered in the Register of Lawyers of the Canton of Zurich

Member of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations (ZAV/SAV)

Standby criminal defence attorney

+ Publications

From Heaven to Hell? – Gedanken zum vertikalen Umfang von Grundeigentum, in: Schwarzenegger/Wohlers/Jositsch (Hrsg.), Festschrift für Andreas Donatsch, Zürich 2017, S. 557 ff. (together with Ruth Arnet)


CAS Forensics I, Staatsanwaltsakademie, University of Luzern (2021)
Admitted to the Bar of the Canton of Zurich (2020)
Law studies at the University of Zurich (Master of Law, 2016)


Partner at Legal Partners Zurich (since 2021)
Military prosecutor and major, Swiss Military Justice (since 2024)
Substitute judge at the District Court Horgen (since 2020)
Military examiner magistrate and captain, Swiss Military Justice (2020 to 2023)
Court Clerk at the District Court Horgen (2017 to 2021)
Chairman of the Conciliation Authority in Tenancy and Lease Matters of the District Horgen (2018 to 2021)
Tutorial assistant of Prof. Dr. iur. Ruth Arnet, Chair of Private Law with focus on property law, University of Zurich (2013 to 2016)


+41 44 500 90 45


Legal Partners Zürich
Freigutstrasse 40
8001 Zürich


Monday to Friday
08:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00